Thursday 23 April 2009

~the day when the glory of youth leave you~

it is a hot day, and i feel so sleepy i can't help it.
it is then i decided to write something in my blog. the blog that i've quite forgotten for quite some times...

why today suddenly i'm writing about the glory of youth?
well it maybe because of what i encounter during lunch today.
i was having my lunch @ ani sup utara today. alone. (yes, it's normal). and i saw a group of student having their meal in front of me. there are 10 of them. some wearing their uni shirt. 5 girls and 5 boys. i dont think they are all couples, not saying that. they maybe some study group, or assignment group juz finish discussion and decided to have lunch together.
it makes me think of my student year. how i miss those days.
then it struck me. how old could this group of student be? cannot be more than 21 right? it's almost 10 years my junior! and seeing them make me feel old, spent.

try thinking of my achievement... hmm, not much.
how about my experience?... hmm, not so much nice one
friends? quite a few. but, i can't seem to figure what are they up to these days

it make me think again (again....). have i waste my youth with something not meaningful?
then, i decide that i must do everything i plan to do before. there shouldn't be any regret in life. i don't want to grow old regretting many things.
i haven't had my swim lesson (well, juz enroll in a class last week. yeay!!). havn't climb the gunung kinabalu, gunung than, gunung jerai... not even gunung nuang! i decide that i shouldn't wait for all these people, i should go for what i wanted.

this is one quote i decide will work for me for now.
"learn new thing every month"
so, i've enroll in a swimming class. i've decided that i'm going to find a mandarin class later, then a kick-boxing or martial art class. well, one class for one or two month only! ~limited budget ler~ :P

well, it's all for now i guess.
i've decided to put a daily quote (well, per entry post only. not necessarily daily) for every post. so, here goes...

quote for today:
"choose a positive thought. the conscious brain can only hold one thought at a time"

May 2024

I am in a cafe but I am starving. This cafe used to be better. no so bad. i guess there's not so many people. but how come you are a cof...