Wednesday 6 June 2012

i am just so fed up with the system. so fed up

With the system already adding our current job and task like double or triple time, and does not helping at time like this, and working long hours still does not help anything at all, I don't know if I can cope and work under this type of situation.
We are trying to clear up all the task while coping up with the additional job and the change in situation I do not know if I can still perform the work.

i wish i can type all the above into the footnote of my email.
I wish I have not so much loan that I need to clear so I can just pack and go.
I wish i wish i wish


I am referring to your rejection remarks for TS Brilliant task (renewal and termination) as I cannot reply my reason on the task itself (in the SCIS).

Renewal(Amendment) P5-001227 - Approved suspension period till ?? - (approved suspension is until 17 Feb 2012)

Termination (amendment) P5-001481  - CP wants a signed letter with company's letter head as official evidence.


Termination (amendment) P5-001481
This licensee has 3 license with SIRIM which currently under suspension since January 2012. (17/01/2012) and the suspension period is only 1 month as the company does not response any on surveillance.
The suspension is leading to termination.

So as the suspension period has already been over for few months, I just think it is wise to terminate the license already.

In the midst of that I have contacted the their PIC and they say that they maybe like to continue one of their license (cooker hood_PT063802) and terminate the licenses for induction cooker PT063801 & PT063803, therefore I requested them to send me an email saying that they do not want to continue the license.

I wonder why the CP will need another letter for this type of termination as it is imposed termination and not requested by client?
Or, do they want me to keep the file under suspension even though they have been long overdue suspension?? Which I don't understand.
If yes, it is easier for me not to follow up on this type of issue, and let the file status to be maintained in suspension.

Renewal(Amendment) P5-001227
- the renewal is needed to clear the task only. I have check with Tina and she said that license for file under suspension will not be printed.

This particular file, the licensee still want to maintain the license but somehow do not response to my audit request yet. They would like to maintain license as they still have some stock in their warehouse.
I have not raise termination for this file as I am still waiting for their response.

For file under suspension, do we no need to submit the renewal task? I submit the renewal as the company already made the payment for renewal, and the renewal task appear in my task. I checked with Tina and safidah previously, that renewal for file under suspension still need to be submitted, but the license will not be printed.

Anyway, I have check the suspension status for these 3 license in our brilliant system eSCIS and I can't find any, which I don't know why.
For info, this licenses were suspended using the eSCIS, not manually as they were done on Jan 2012.
But if checked for the file list, we can see all these were suspended since 17 Jan 2012.

I attached here the relevant documents for you to review as I cannot paste a print screen picture on the email itself as I am currently using my own netbook as the company laptop is having problem (again!). Pls refer them in the jpeg file, as you may consume alot of time in if you need to check them in the system as you will have to open them one by one to review the files, and status and in the end the result is still disappointing.
I cannot attached the email from the client as it was saved in my outlook mail in my laptop which I don't bring during this travel to oversea.

Some of the issue here is, why the status of suspension for these 3 files are not in the suspension list? Is it all depends on us to check everything and highlight everything to the system creator?

And for the CP request, why do we need to have a signed letter with company's letter head as official evidence for a license which we want to impose termination? The suspension was accepted last time without that, but why do we still need that in the termination process which continue from that? The suspension was long overdue also, so if the termination is not needed then i'd just be happy to leave the file status as it is.

I think it is quite difficult for us to response in the scis, as they do not have a remarks column for us to response immediately, and to reply everything in the email. We can only resubmit, but column to highlight our remarks?

Thanks & Rgds,"

May 2024

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