Saturday 11 August 2018

Bach and other people

I wish I am more committed in my plan for writing. I have been browsing my draft and the one I have last written was in May after the election and I still have not publish it. There's also no new draft after that. I wonder what happen to my will.

So, I was sick again yesterday. In fact, still am today. Anyway I have to come to work, on Saturday and not feeling well too. Well, at least it is for half day and I will bear with it. So I take my medicine, open internet and put on classical music to concentrate, but that is where it start to make me upset.

I wonder why some people doesn't appreciate classic. Classic help me to calm myself down, help me to be relax and focus on my reading or writing. The sound of violin, the sound of piano is my favourite. Then there's cello, organ, and so much more that you can appreciate.

I get it that you can't get my music taste, but to force me your music taste is as bad though. Force me to listen to that annoying lyrics, the degrading lyrics, the jumping sound and all.. The pop song that make you wanna dance for a while but will be forgotten in few weeks. It is okay that you can't listen to my music, but to tune it down for your untasteful music... I am sorry, I am pissed.

Listen... listen to that music, how it plays with your heartbeats, your brain signal, your nerve... But I can't force people to like a good, tasteful music... it's like you're telling people that if you don't listen to this you have no good taste in music, which is kinda true in my mind now. So, I'll let people listen to whatever they want as long as they don't force me to it too. And I will put on my earphone and mind my own business. 

Currently listening to Johann Sebastian Bach and I just notice how his family was named Johann *** Bach. What a weird way to be in this family. How much they want to maintain the family tradition. Must be stressful way to be raised in this high achieving musical family. How stressful if you're not gifted musically.

Anyway, Bach really made good music and definitely deserved to be called one of the greatest music composer of all time.

I rest my case.
Note: going to learn about music more after this.

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