Thursday, 26 November 2020

Sometimes I feel like I just want to die

 I hope this blog will not emerge when I'm about to get my nobel prize one day. or when I decide that I shall be the Prime Minister or President or something.

I can't be more depressed that I already am, can I?

Remember when I was at the lowest point in my life? This ain't so much different either. I feel so hopeless, things like moving nowhere. I'm going nowhere. Sometimes I just want some human touch. I need to talk to people. At least some people who want to talk to me.

My family ignore me. Friend? Do I have any?

Sometimes I feel really lonely.

Sometimes I just want to meet new people sometimes I'm just too afraid.

Sometimes it's too painful.

Sometimes I crave human interaction. I need to feel needed. I want to be wanted. I want to be included.

People are mean.

I hate people.


p/s: I just confirm today that I didn't pay for my road tax since 18-Sept-2020.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Quick update - 5/5/2020

Well, it's has been a while since I post anything here. It's not like I don't have anything to write but I just found that I have many other channel to express it.

I kinda quit Facebook few years back because it gave me depression. Have Twitter, in fact I have two. Heck, no three actually. One which I created just to express my feeling and rant. I was in a very bad place back then. I still do, but I manage a little bit now.
I have one which I sign up at 2009, around the time I had my Facebook and blog. I still use it though but people know who I am there so I (accidentally) created another one using my official email where I sign using unknown name (to people who know me). I use this one more these days because anonymity, and I follow a lot of people who think they're smart and underestimate others. In other word, I follow a lot of Malaysian's tweetfamous and news channel.

A lot has been happening recently. The coronavirus, the change of government, langkah Sheraton and all, the drama of new Prime Minister, the lockdown or in our terms MCO (Movement Control Order). There's work from home, fasting alone (yeah that's not new), alone for Hari Raya (kinda sad, even though I don't really know if I really want to celebrate raya). Yeah all those sort of thing.

I found myself less sad these days when I don't go to work, but I find my motivation lacking.
I bought a lot of things during these MCO period but mostly just food. I plan to read more but I get distracted by Netflix.

The lack of motivation is real though. I even feel the lack of motivation in meeting new people. I keep trying to reach some friend but most of them totally abandoned me. Yeah, it hurts but the hell with them.

I am now writing at 2.22am on 5/5/2020. Wow, it's such a great time to write and to end. A lot of the thing I wrote above can be written later. ciao.

Monday, 13 January 2020

Am I too difficult to be friend with?

So, today 13-Jan-2020, I am left with myself again.
Nobody even ask me for lunch.
Their talk doesn't include me at all.

I know I don't fancy talking about other people, but they never include me in anything.

I really hate it here.

I hate everyone here.

May 2024

I am in a cafe but I am starving. This cafe used to be better. no so bad. i guess there's not so many people. but how come you are a cof...