Sunday 26 July 2009


it's such a boring day today.

i don't know what to do, and i don't know what to feel.

i'm hungry but i can't eat much.

i'm tired, but i can't sleep well also. this has to blamed on my neighbour. how could they be so inconsiderate. how can there be such people. i'm thinking of throwing some stone to their house, or yell from my room to tell then to shut up! and switch off the light!

i feel like a stalker... why?
seen the episode of ugly betty where she accidently met with henry, her first love? then, she began to follow him on facebook, try to find out where he is, and what he's doing. basically same with me, except this guy is not my ex. well, i probably have a little crush on him.

so, he's not interested, i got it. but... i dont know, he seems to have a little interest in me. but again, it maybe just on my mind.
what does it on him that i find attractive..? maybe cause he's young, and single.... hahahaha...
but nevermind, if he's not interested, it doesn't matter much to me, it'll just make it easier for me to face him. but he does make my heart beat a lil'.... bit faster you know.. :p
actually, he's into outdoor, he's not so bad looking, he's quite near to my hometown... which i think make it more alluring...

so, i decide to watch the korean series which i still havn't got time to finish yet. it's been quite sometimes, but i just can't find the time. boys over flower.... maybe later. cause now i got hooked up with faizal tahir. music always heal my soul. maybe i'll play some zee avi or lenka's song before bed time tonite.

oh, i forget to tell. i went to the office today, but i only manage to finish one report, which i'm not too sure if its ok also. hmm.. i hate being junior. no, i hate when i feel incompetent. and i don't know who to refer to. i hate asking. and i don't know where to refer to....
i still got another report which i'm supposed to finish by tomorrow morning, so it can be presented on tuesday evening.

i'll be on leave next week cause i need to send my mom for her doc's appointment. and i hate so much that i still havn't got my laptop. and i hate my friend..... for she's being too selfish.
i hate my boss, and i hate my group leader. and i hate mr x, for not returning my affection to him. come on, i just need someone to talk to, who knows the condition there.... :((

Friday 24 July 2009

my client said that I dont look a day older than 7 years younger of my real age

the title says all...

Am I happy or what.

they don't even believe when I said that I was way past that age.

No boyfriend? why not married yet? are you too choosey? Can't believe that...

hmm.. this only got minimum answer from me.

So, what I like about it is, I believe that I got what I want unintentionally.

I's single by choice, and I'm single and loving every bit of it.

Thursday 16 July 2009


now i'm confuse.

I'm not sure, which is which.


I think I shall leave it as it is first la.

I'll decide later. Maybe it's time to think.

(even this kind of thing can give you headache? duh!)

Saturday 11 July 2009

a wind of change

i need a change

first thing first

well, first of all, i think i shall change this blog's header. it's too big it's taking a lot of space. maybe just a reduce in size is acceptable. hmmm...

actually i was thinking of changing the name and address itselt, but somehow... maybe later i guess.


I got a class today. well, i don't want to waste the class' fee right?
Anyhow, I'm still stuck here on the bed, browsing thru the internet. hmm....

I need to go back to my hometown today. I got appointment. which is not mine. which is not interesting at all.
urgh pegi tgk org kawin bukan seronok pun...
well, tapi dah janji.
then i need to stop by at my sis' place, to check on my niece.
i guess she got high fever.... pity her. no wonder i didn't hear her voice at all last time when i call. she was admitted to hospital and warded for 2 days.
wonder how bad was she...


I got addicted to a guy's blog.
I wonder how he look like... :) ;)


~~today is another day, live it as you've never live it before~~

Wednesday 8 July 2009

give me the rainbow, so i can feel some happiness

i don't know why, but feeling is not something i can easily explain

i don't know why, but i do feel useless at times

i don't know why, but dear i do miss you so bad sometimes. i believe i just miss your species

i don't know whether i'm lonely or not...

and i certainly don't know if i really need somebody besides myself

I wish I could have the rainbow, but can it bring me happiness?

I wish I have tonnes of money, but can money really buy everything?

I wish all my dreams will come true, that'll be nice

and I wish, I can turn back time, to undo all my mistake, and do the things I'm supposed to do...

but life has to go on........

(deep down my black heart, I wish he don't find happiness at all, cause I can't bring myself do something bad to him, but I also want him to suffer although I'm totally over him)

Tuesday 7 July 2009

message of the day

Life is short,
Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably,
And never regret anything that made you smile.

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance

enjoy! :)

May 2024

I am in a cafe but I am starving. This cafe used to be better. no so bad. i guess there's not so many people. but how come you are a cof...