Saturday 11 July 2009

a wind of change

i need a change

first thing first

well, first of all, i think i shall change this blog's header. it's too big it's taking a lot of space. maybe just a reduce in size is acceptable. hmmm...

actually i was thinking of changing the name and address itselt, but somehow... maybe later i guess.


I got a class today. well, i don't want to waste the class' fee right?
Anyhow, I'm still stuck here on the bed, browsing thru the internet. hmm....

I need to go back to my hometown today. I got appointment. which is not mine. which is not interesting at all.
urgh pegi tgk org kawin bukan seronok pun...
well, tapi dah janji.
then i need to stop by at my sis' place, to check on my niece.
i guess she got high fever.... pity her. no wonder i didn't hear her voice at all last time when i call. she was admitted to hospital and warded for 2 days.
wonder how bad was she...


I got addicted to a guy's blog.
I wonder how he look like... :) ;)


~~today is another day, live it as you've never live it before~~

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