Wednesday 26 May 2010

Born in April

Sifat orang yang lahir pada bulan April biasanya:
1: Sangat aktif dan dinamik.
- I think I do. Active & dynamic even though not really showed..

2: Cepat bertindak membuat keputusan tetapi cepat menyesal.
- Am I?... I'm not sure but at times I did regret on my decision... hmm...

3: Sangat menarik dan pandai menjaga diri.
- Hahaha... lately I feel so. :D

4: Punya daya mental yang sangat kuat.
- Always do. always do..

5: Suka diberi perhatian.
- I don't think so. I like to remain anonymous... but I like to stand-out from others. being unique..

6: Sangat diplomatik (pandai memujuk ).
- Possible. But maybe I havn't develop it yet :P

7: Berkawan dan pandai menyelesaikan masalah orang.
- haha... got tonnes of my unsolved. be friendly? I think I' a lone ranger most of the time, independent, but being with friend is also appealing to me. Means I can be with or without friend. No problem.

8: Sangat berani dan tiada perasaan takut.
- Well... what can I say. People say that I'm too berani... always get this kind of advise. Ko jgn berani-berani sangat... Watching horror movie is one of my hobby. Adventurous? Well, what else to explain all the scar and accident I involve in?

9: Suka perkara yang mencabar, pengasih, penyayang, sopan santun dan pemurah
- I like aadventurous thing and to challange myself. See how far can I go. At the same time, my value is still maintained.. :) sopan-santun, loveable, kind-hearted, etc etc... :)

10: Emosi cepat terusik.
- I don't think so. being me, don't allow me to do so. Growing up in my situation and environment making me a cold-hearted sometimes.

11: Cuba kawal perasaan.
- Yes I do. I don't get emotionally involve so easily.

12: Kecenderungan bersifat pendendam.
- Very true... very-very true... I'm still trying to be more forgiveable..

13: Agresif dan kelam kabut dalam membuat keputusan.
- hastily

14: Kuat daya ingatan.
- I think so..

15: Gerak hati yang sangat kuat.
- Good insticnt? Not sure.

16: Pandai mendorong diri sendiri dan memotivasikan orang lain.
- Yes. I'm a positive person. and I believe by being positive you will be able to make yourself feel better and you will be able to achieve more. rather than grieving...

Well, some is quite true, but some is not. but I think based on his pemerhatian and kajian, this is well, almost describe me. and maybe others too...

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