Tuesday 25 May 2010

upset :|

I'm very upset due to this particular reason.
I've been delaying the work until I cannot delay it anymore.

Nak cepat-cepat, tapi menyusahkan org.
Org ajar degil pulak tak nak dengar.
Suruh wat list bagi senang pun tak paham.


lain kali kalau nak menyusahkan orang tu tolong paham sikit ye.
lain kali tu kalau orang ajar tu sila la jgn degil sangat, sila la jgn sombong sangat.

being older doesn't mean you are automatically wiser. maybe you are expert in one area but in other you no nothing.

ah~ anyhow I still have to continue the work.
This is 2.42am in the morning and I need to be early tomorrow. sigh~~

Ya Allah give me some strength.

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