Tuesday 29 December 2015

Ignorance is a bliss..

So I had a second look into this saying today.

Ignorance is a bliss. It really is.
I really want to be happy in whatever I do and however I live.
Anyway  don't want to be an ignorant.

In an article I read today it says on 15 things you need to give up in order to be happy.

I do agree with most of it, except I just notice that the writer is asking us to just be an ignorant.

"Give up your resistance to change, Give up the luxury of criticism, Give up complaining, Give up on blame, Give up on being always right.."

Well they are innocent enough when you read it at first but I am just reading about the other topic on our minister asking us to work 2 jobs to be able to live comfortably in our environment.
I have to criticize and blame them for the price hike and their ignorance on middle income people like us. Those who want to live comfortably without sacrificing our need to be with family, friend, social needs, emotional need. 

I do notice how this writer ask us not to care so much for the things around us (else we will complaint too much ain't us? and complaining, and blaming. While we are complaining to the higher authority, we need to stand for our right shan't us? 
This will apply also if I decide to care for other issue in the world today. If I just ignore the climate issue for example, or refugee issue, and don't speak out, I will be more happy won't I?

I decide that I will not be an ignorant today, no matter how much I want to be happy. I will be a happy person who live happily helping people.
That's what I decide to do.

Monday 28 December 2015

My master's journey

man... it's hard.

I has been 4 months and I haven't able to grasp yet about this reality. I am so lost and not sure what am I doing.
Others already submitted their thesis and here I am still struggling in writing the literature review. I didn't even remember (know) what is the literature review and how am I suppose to write it when I was first told to write my proposal.
It's so damn hard.

I am already late to submit, yet I am still not finish.

I want to do this but I just feel so damn hard at time.

Everybody else already start their review and where I am?
Here, and I wanna cry.

No, I don't want to cry. I am just exhausted. My neck pained, my back hurts, my hand tired, my eyes... just like zombie. If there's zombie apocalypse right now, they won't know I'm human. I may be able to escape. Heck, I may not know it's zombie apocalypse outside.

p/s: this is my first time writing about my master's journey. It may not be the last time.
p/s/s: damn it's hard to be and older student.

new life

I conclude my working life today. I can't believe it actually. I really miss working already. I am not sure why but I miss my office.
It's not perfect, it don't pay very well, but I can't stop missing it. It's true though.
After 7 full years, I finally leave my work. It's depressing but it's fulfilling too.
I learn communicate. I got to travel a lot. I earn my enrich point so much. I got to go to Korea, China (many places), India, Indonesia, Japan, Italy, Austria, Germany, Thailand, Vietnam all in the name of work. I got to travel first class once in the name of work. I got to meet many people from many places, I learn a lot of new things in the name of work.
Anyway, there's a lot of thing which I can't wait to get rid of, to get better of, and many more. I loss sleep, I hate my superior, my colleague, my company, my job, my management, my pay. I see my youth leave me, wasted. I hate to be burdened with so many works and feel unappreciated, then blamed. I hate doing extra work but nobody actually appreciated. I am sad that my pay is so low i can't even buy a house. I hate that I began hating travel because I have been depressed. Yes, I get depression working in this company. I see no improvement, I see that I cannot grow anymore in the place I am. I am worried I'm gonna die alone. My health become so bad I keep getting sick. I get so exhausted I don't care about other things. I give up all hope, I give up motivation. I lost all interest, I lost all motivation, I lost purpose.
That's why I need to quit. I need to recharge. I need to find all the things which I lost. I need to refresh. I need to find all the good thing which lost being under this depression. I need to learn new things and feel useful again. I do love a lot of things, but I need to find a reason to love again because I've forgotten how.

p/s: rant initially written but not posted in 4th Sept 2015, so no I am not just conclude my working life today, and yes I quite miss working, and another yes studying is hard like. Really hard. Up all night doing assignment I feel I'm too old to do this.

May 2024

I am in a cafe but I am starving. This cafe used to be better. no so bad. i guess there's not so many people. but how come you are a cof...