Thursday 11 May 2017

When you don't know where you are and you can't get out..

The title just describe what I feel right now. If anybody ask me what happen to me, what am I doing, why am I being like this... I'll be frank. I don't know. I Do Not Know. I can't tell something that I can't describe. I just lost everything I was.

Where am I?
Where am I heading?
Why am I like this?

I had a very big plan in front of me, I had the future in my vision, I had my ambition, I had friends which I appreciate.. now I don't have any of that. 
Because I lost hope.
I lost something in my mind, which I can't figure out.
Sometimes I want to cry, but I can't.
I lost my will to eat.
I lost my will to fight.
I lost my aim.
I lost my goal.
I lost a lot.
I don't care about friend.
I don't care about the world.
I can't get up.
I can't focus.
I can't do anything! Nothing.

Why am I like this?
How do I get up and feel alive again?
I can't live like this. I can't even find the will to live....

I disappoint my parents.
That make me cry every time.

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May 2024

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