Tuesday 23 May 2017

My obsession with height

When I was young a kid, my wish is to be tall. I wish that I am at least taller than what I was in primary school.

There's many reason for this. My elder sister is a lot taller than me while we're just 2 years apart, I feel really weak and defenseless when I just stood at 130++ when all the other girls already reach maturity. I was bullied (not by this but other reason) and I have no chance to stand in the second place when we were lining up. I feel like taller kids are more confident, have a lot of advantage, more athletic, prettier,  and get more attention. I do feel very inferior in my size, and very timid, lack of confidence, and a lot more I feel like inferior quality. I can't even do sport. I come almost last in running, I'm not qualified for netball and other sport, and I can't even high jump. Trust me that all that athletics girls do get a lot of attention. They are like the "it" kids and I'm just a nerd.

I somehow believe that swinging from tall tree branches will help me with my height. No... no yana no.. How can I be so naive in believing that! Don't blame me, I'm just like 10 years old girl trying to get tall, and given tips by my father! I got my limbs hands longer though (and I beleive this is one of the reason why. I should hang / swing using my leg shoudn't I?). The other problem is, I don't like to drink milk since I was a todler. Trust me, you won't like the Dumex milk too. And what's with the sweetened milk. I really thought I hate milk, until I went to my second secondary school when I met with all this rich and privilleged kids, and trying all the nice food.

I do get taller when I was in secondary school though. Puberty I guess. But still not tall enough for me. I get taller than most of my primary school's friend. Unfortunately, there's no lining during secondary school so I still don't get the chance to stand in the middle of line. Too bad.

There's only few people who's really tall at that time so, I was quite satisfied with my height at that time. Until I went to a boarding school. The kids here mostly coming from a well-doing family, richer, from big city, and some places I have never heard before. So, a lot of them are taller, but I am considered average (almost at the shorter side).

All is well until I get to uni, and start working. Then I mix around with a lot of taller people, with the average height of 165cm. I am 158cm (and I always try to make it 159cm. There's just that very little different with my original target of 160cm!) Oh, I wanted to become a stewardess before so that's why, and 160cm is the minimum requirement for stewardess. I found out later, that some of the stewardess is only 158cm so I passed! (I don't even want to be a stewardess later when I found out that other than being beautiful and serve food to passenger, there's not mush requirement to be stewardess so it just won't suit me). While working, I also got a chance to go to Europe and China, and many places in Asia mostly. What I secretly did was measuring my height next to them. I found that I don't differ too much in height compare to them. It's nothing much and nothing important, but it just give me some extra confidence which I don't have when I was a kid. I also found out that the average height for women around the world is not that far from mine. For example, the average height for women in US is 5'4" (163cm), and Malaysian is 154cm so I'm not so bad. Even in Indonesia, their average height is 147cm (4'10"").

Anyway, one of my friend asked me this once.
Have I ever look at other girl / woman and think who's fatter? She or me?
I told her no, I've never ask about this. I don't care about weight (maybe cause I'm blessed with high metabolism). What I don't tell her (or maybe I didn't notice at that time is how I'm obsessed with height. Instead of asking about weight, I'll ask about height.

Fast forward to today, here I am still obsessing about the celebrity height, and imagining how will I look next too them. Some very successful people, I'll try too google their height just to imagine how will I look standing next to them, without heels and all. I almost want to make a database just to record all their height so I can compare. I still think all the tall people are beautiful and gorgeous (men and women) and I still wish I can still get taller. I still have that secret wish to get a database for the celebrity height.

I still feel like being tall is a bonus, like being beautiful is (big bonus). Anyway, it is not a main factor for you to become successful. It can get lonely up there too, no? ;) For example, Vivy the co-founder of FV. She's really small but she's really confident in bringing herself (must be her upbringing too). Then there's also a lot of Malaysian's celebrities that are so small (petite!) but they are still so pretty. It won't define you, but it still help to boast your confidence. For all the vertically challenged people, don't worry. You can still be beautiful and be confident and be successful. If you're lack in something, most probably you're compensated in other field too.

To other people like me, it's okay to be obsessed with height. If you realy feel the need to stand tall, get that 7" heels for daily use. Ciao.


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