Thursday, 1 December 2011
sebenarnya aku taknak ada org yang kenal aku baca blog aku.
sebenarnya aku kalau boleh nak tulis suka-suka syok sendiri mengarut tulis apa yang aku suka ikut suka hati aku, perasaan dan hati aku.
sebab tu kalau boleh aku taknak ada siapa-siapa kenal aku.
sebab rahsia aku semua ada dalam hati aku.
kalau dah tulis blog nanti org baca macam diary aku, lepas tu aku tak tau dia baca, lepas tu dia baca dia diam-diam aje,
lepas tu aku ingat dia tak pernah baca,
aku buat muka selamba tapi sebenarnya dia baca dan tau sangat pasal blog aku!
oh no!
oh tidak!
Monday, 24 October 2011
my confusion, your doing
I've accept that this is just a temporary
I've accept that this feeling is not mutual
I've accept that I might have thought wrongly
I've accept that you actually treat others the same way, maybe better
I've accept that I am not an important figure to you, and maybe you to me...
Why do you have to seems to care to what I do?
Why do you have to seems to care to what I write?
Why do you have to seems to care to where I post my photo?
Why do you have to seems to care to how I live my life?
Why do you have to seems to care to what I eat?
Why do you have to seems to care to what I think?
Why do you have to seems to care to what I feel?
Why do you have to seems to care to where was I at certain time?
Why do seems to know as if you follow what I did?
Just stop all that and I'll be fine.
Cause I'm born to survive.
Cause I'm not born to make others suffer.
Cause I'm not born to depends on others.
Cause I'm born to make others smile.
all the people around me.
Even if it makes me cry...
Saturday, 22 October 2011
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
— Marilyn Monroe
"Don't stop at the top, touch the sky before you drop"
Aim for the moon, that way, even if you miss you'll still be amongst the stars! - W. Clement Stone
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Beri aku ketabahan
Give me some strength, give me some hope..
Dear Allah,
Help me find my path, show me the way, please give me guidance,
Dear Allah,
Show me some mercy, do not test me more than I can take..
Dear Allah,
Give me happiness, give me the light..
posted from Bloggeroid
Monday, 18 July 2011
god give me more time
God give me strength ,
Give me your help and guidance
Give me and show me the way, for me to do good..
Show me the way I can survive in this world and be good in other world too...
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
Selamat Hari Bapa 2011
Hari ni hari ayah 2011...
Aku sebenarnya selalu marah dengan abah, selalu bertekak dengan abah. sebabnya kitorg dua-dua keras kepala. tapi bila aku makin dewasa ni baru aku sedar betapa banyak persamaan aku dengan abah. walaupun dari segi rupa aku banyak macam emak, tp segi pemikiran, pendapat, perangai, banyak yang aku macam abah.
dulu mak kecik ati kalau aku g bandar dgn abah. kalau pergi jln2 kuar bndr dengan abah, mesti abah ajak makan mana2, beli apa2. mak kata kalau dgn aku je abah nak beli apa la, pegi makan la. kalau dengan emak takde.
masa kecik2 kalau aku demam panas, aku rasa tak blh tido, sakit etc, nnt mlm2 abah akan datang tlg tuamkan kepala aku. nnt dia akanrasa suhu badan aku dgn tangan dia. pastu biasanya dia baca ayat-ayat sikit pastu tiup kat telinga aku. aku biasanya tersedar, (kadang-kadang tak) tapi aku akan rasa lebih lega lepas tu. sebab tu masa aku dah besar dah sekolah asrama, kalau demam aku mesti rindu nak balik rumah.
Dulu masa sekolah, aku rasa memang abah sayang dekat kitorg. aku kan student yang baik, selalu dapat nombor 1, jadi abah bangga sangat. tapi bila as punya result teruk, dia rasa mcm bersalah dekat as. dia rasa dia abaikan as sebab tu as tak berapa bagus result dia. dia kata sebab dia nak sangat anak lelaki, jadi as ni dia buat endah tak endah je. tapi nasib baik as jadi berjaya jugak sekarang nih.
Masa kecik2 abah selalu keje jauh. dulu2 pernah abah keje luar sampai seminggu baru balik. abah keje berat. abah tebang hutan. abah bukak jalan, bukak kampung, bukak felda. kesian abah sebab dia tak pernah rasa hidup senang. dulu dia selalu cerita pasal hutan yang dia jumpa ada gajah, harimau... masa kecik2 dia pernah dengar bunyi harimau dekat rumah kitorg. abah selalu cerita macamana susahnya hidup dia. abah cerita dia tak pernah belajar sekolah, macamana dia nak sangat sekolah tapi arwah atuk tak bagi. abah cerita macamana dia kerja susah. abah cerita pasal kecik2 dia kena masak untuk uda, tapi pak long (arwah) boleh pegi sekolah, boleh berkawan, kerja tak susah... kesianya abah. sebab tu dia selalus uruh kitorg belajar pandai pandai. kerja bagus bagus... tapi aku jadi anak yang degil pulak.
dia jugak cerita masa kecik dia pegi menyeberang sungai dengan arwah atuk, bawak beras. atuk tipu umo abah sebab budak2 tak boleh kerja, dan sebagainnya. dia cerita macamana dia dapat offer kerja bagus, kat pejabat tanah dan sebagainya, tapi orang tu mintak sijil dan dia tak ada. jadi dia memang suruh kitorg belajar sampai dapat kelulusan yang baik.
Masa masuk u, abah sakit. bukan bukan.. masa aku lepas matrik abah jatuh sakit. tu aku paling tak dapat lupakan. Abah tak boleh bangun, abah tak boleh cakap, abah tak kenal orang. Orang ramai dah datang rumah. semua ingat abah dah tak boleh bangun lagi. Masa tu mak setia duduk tepi abah, jaga abah. aku tengok mak emmang dah tak larat nak angkat abah, so setiap kali nak pegi toilet ke, aku mesti tolong angkat abah, kalau bukan sarul. adik2 aku semua kecik lagi. Aku masa tu baru nak naik tahun 1 UKM, jadi aku sangat takut nak pegi belajar takde duit, jadi aku kerja kat kilang. Aku OT dan sebagainya.. Mak macam nak pinjam duit dari org utk kitrg belajar. ayie pun baru nak naik thn 2. Tapi abah kuat, semangat dia kuat. Hari2 dia cuba bangun, hari2 dia nak sihat, aku rasa abah walaupun sakit tapi sangat2 nak sihat sebab kitorg anak2 dia nih. kitorg masih kecik2, belum ada yang kerja lagi. Amazingly, abah boleh bangun, abah boleh jalan, sampai sekarang abah boleh sihat.
abah memang sayang anak-anaknya. aku ada gambar dgn abah masa kecik masa aku baru lepas nangis. How I wish I was 5 again.
Happy Father's Day 2011 abah!
Sunday, 19 June 2011
parah parah parah
siapa parah?
apa yang parah?
huhuhu... semuanya aku.
aku tak tau kenapa, aku tak tau sebab apa, dan obviously, aku tak tau macamana nak overcome ni.
aku tak tau mcmana boleh aku igt pada seseorang yang aku tak pasti igt kat aku tak.
seseorang yg sedang fikir pasal aku tak.
aku sekarang tertanya-tanya, samaada dia
- fikir pasal aku
- ingat dekat aku
- rindu kat aku
- nak jumpa aku
- nak dgr suara aku
- nak borak-borak dgn aku
- nak tau apa kabar aku
sebab.. semua tu aku condition aku sekarang
dan aku tu dia.
so aku rasa sangat parah
aku harap dia dalam keadaan yang sama
aku harap dia nak jumpa aku
aku harap dia resah gelisah jugak
aku harap dapat tengok dia
aku harap dapat jumpa dia
aku harap dapat borak-borak dan gelak-gelak pada joke dia, pada joke aku
aku harap kalau tak jumpa dia, atau nampak dia, tengok facebook dia pun boleh
aku harap nampak kereta dia pun ok
aku harap chatting dgn dia pun ok
aku harap dia ajak aku keluar
aku harap dia ajak aku makan ke, minum ke, tengok wayang ke, shopping ke
apa-apa je...
aku tak suka perasaan ni
aku tak suka bila tak pasti dimana aku berdiri
aku tak suka bila tak tahu apa perasaan dia
aku tak suka bertepuk sebelah tangan
aku tak suka kena mulakan sesuatu yang aku tak tau dimana akan berakhir
boleh tak kalau dia mulakan
adakah dia takde perasaan yang sama dengan aku?
adakah aku memang ada perasaan sorang-sorang je
adakah? apakah?
aku tak suka.. tak suka macam nih.
kalau betul, jauhkanlah hati aku dari dia... aku ingin hidup yang tenang
dia memang telah mengucar-kacirkan hidup aku...
Friday, 17 June 2011
Life's like that..
You will sometimes feels like hating everything and everybody.
But you know, life is like that.
All you have to do is get up and fight.
Find your own path.
You know life is a challenge.
All you have to do is be strong. Cry a few cry if you must, but life must go on. Hate a few people, curse a few if they make u feel better. Just never stop fighting. Never give up.
Life will be wonderful.
posted from Bloggeroid
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Aku tak tau kenapa, tapi mcm aku tak dpt buat satu benda dgn betul pun. Semua benda salah, semua benda tak betul, semua tak siap, semua tak impressive.
Semua benda tak menyebelahi aku. Semua benda menyakitkan hati. Semua org buat aku rasa benci. Terasa mcm tiada kasih sayang untuk aku dalam dunia ini. Apa yg nak aku buat.
Apa.. apa.. aku harus jadi bagaimana.. harus jadi orang yang macamana.. apa yg terbaik dan apa pulak yang tertulis untuk aku?
Kadang-kadang aku cuma benci dunia.
Saturday, 4 June 2011
hati hati
Thursday, 2 June 2011
I hate men.
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Breaking Benjamin - The Diary of Jane
1) What am I doing in this wee hour not sleeping during a working weekdays
2) What if...
3) Does the song make me calmer?
4) Hey, where are you and what are you doing? Do you even remember me?
5) Life is tough...
Monday, 30 May 2011
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
but i'm just not in my safe place yet.
Monday, 9 May 2011
what is happiness?
what is happiness actually.
is being with your loved ones called happiness?
is being with your friend called happiness?
is having a lot of money called happiness?
is having somebody loving you to death called happiness?
is having your family and friend beside u all the time called happiness?
is able to do everything you want is happiness..?
what about somebody who has nobody, who has nothing, who is not capable of doing a lot of things they want..
are they not destined to be happy?..
~my life is a journey to find happiness, eternal happiness...~
Monday, 2 May 2011
like a star..
Corinne Bailey Rae - Like A Star
Just like a star across my sky,
Just like an angel off the page,
You have appeared to my life,
Feel like I'll never be the same,
Just like a song in my heart,
Just like oil on my hands,
Honour to love you
Still I wonder why it is,
I don't argue like this,
With anyone but you,
We do it all the time,
Blowing out my mind,
You've got this look I can't describe,
You make me feel like I'm alive,
When everything else is au fait,
Without a doubt you're on my side,
Heaven has been away too long,
Can't find the words to write this song,
Your love,
Still I wonder why it is,
I don't argue like this,
With anyone but you,
We do it all the time,
Blowing out my mind,
Now I have come to understand,
The way it is,
It's not a secret anymore,
'cause we've been through that before,
From tonight I know that you're the only one,
I've been confused and in the dark,
Now I understand,
I wonder why it is,
I don't argue like this,
With anyone but you,
I wonder why it is,
I wont let my guard down,
For anyone but you
We do it all the time,
Blowing out my mind,
Just like a star across my sky,
Just like an angel off the page,
You have appeared to my life,
Feel like I'll never be the same,
Just like a song in my heart,
Just like oil on my hands
just check the video... it's a beautiful song, and she sing it really beautifully...
Thursday, 3 March 2011
bagaimana rasa ini....
aku tak tau kenapa...
feeling ni macamana ye?
apakah rasa ini ye?
aku tak tau apa rasa dia, aku dalam fikiran dia...
yang aku tau, mungkin aku suka dia.
hanya kerana aku rasa dia suka aku.
tapi, mungkin dia tiada rasa pada aku
jadi aku yang salah selama ini.
jadi macamana??
beri la aku petunjuk.
beri aku klu,
beritahu aku bagaimana rasa ini
bagaimana untuk aku buang rasa ini.
bagaimana untuk aku hadapi lagi
i need some motivation
i need someone to be there for me,
or i might lost again....
Thursday, 3 February 2011
my so-called-friend
Monday, 31 January 2011
The Green Hornet
Hope that this is a good one.
We just love Jay Chou *_^
...and the story goes
mana boleh, dia kena tunggu aku hang up baru dia hang up!
wobble.. wobble.. wobble...
I did some dare things also, by doing what I did tonight.
then dia tanya mau join diorang next time?
haha... do I dare to? I don't know. I just wanna have fun, but if being with them means I need to force myself, I don't want to...
oh yeah... I shall start looking for a bicycle.
Saturday, 29 January 2011
i promise myself, that i won't let anybody hurt me anymore...
can't let me go. seems like. can't bring me to his life. yet, don't want to let me go and let me live another life...
he hurts me so much at one time, that i think nobody else is capable of doing
he is the only one ever able to do so.
second he
well, this is just recently.
he come to my life, and yet leave me confuse.
now i'm kinda missing him... and i am so confused.
what exactly he's thinking... what does he feel?
why does he keep contacting me before, but now suddenly missing.
he's truly is missing.
anyway, i promise myself, i wont let anybody hurt me anymore.
they won't matter to me anymore.
i won't care about them anymore.
i'll just live my life anyway i want.
somebody who don't care about me, really don't deserve me.
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
Welcome twenty eleven~
It maybe a little late (but not too late I hope) to wish a happy new year to all.
Well, for me, new year is just another day, similar issues, similar routine.. unless you will be taking a very drastic change in your life, just because it's a new year.... and I don't believe in new year resolution. I believe that we shall make amendment and improvement and aim and achievement by daily basis. There's no need to wait for the whole year to end for you to review your achievement. duh.
This year i start the day a little sorrow.. I am not sure why though.
Anyway, these are things which I would like to try in 2011.
~ to live and eat more healthily.
~ to get up earlier everyday and to reach work earlier. (then, I can leave earlier, I hope)
~ to gain more money, and to have better money management. I should save more. (I want to move out and live on my own as soon as possible right)
~ I almost give up on further study. I am thinking that I shall improve myself in another means, not only from direct course. Language, and account, and business, and communication skill is a good option.
Then... I don't understand why at 8.15am I am still sitting here in my room without even showered yet and typing into something not so important? I should really really manage my time well this year.
to be cont...
welcome twenty eleven~
Well, for me, new year is just another day, similar issues, similar routine.. unless you will be taking a very drastic change in your life, just because it's a new year.... and I don't believe in new year resolution. I believe that we shall make amendment and improvement and aim and achievement by daily basis. There's no need to wait for the whole year to end for you to review your achievement. duh.
This year i start the day a little sorrow.. I am not sure why though.
Anyway, these are things which I would like to try in 2011.
~ to live and eat more healthily.
~ to get up earlier everyday and to reach work earlier. (then, I can leave earlier, I hope)
~ to gain more money, and to have better money management. I should save more. (I want to move out and live on my own as soon as possible right)
~ I almost give up on further study. I am thinking that I shall improve myself in another means, not only from direct course. Language, and account, and business, and communication skill is a good option.
Then... I don't understand why at 8.15am I am still sitting here in my room without even showered yet and typing into something not so important? I should really really manage my time well this year.
to be cont...
May 2024
I am in a cafe but I am starving. This cafe used to be better. no so bad. i guess there's not so many people. but how come you are a cof...
aku rasa pakcik tu tipu... mana mungkin harga parking dari pukul 5 ptg sampai 10mlm boleh jadi rm6??! dah la parking luar, takde bumbung, ja...
I forgot how to feel. I forgot how is it to miss someone. I do miss my friend. I miss my youth. I forgot what does it feel to have your he...
don't disturb me while I'm ignoring you